Saturday, September 8, 2018

Te Wananga o Aotearoa course starting 15 May 2018

He Papa Tikanga - Te Ao Maori - The Maori world
Student working journal
Moduel 1
Te Ao Maori - The Maori World
This resource was great because it went over many maori concepts that I have heard of but didn't really have a good understanding of. The follow are areas looked at for the first module.
*Maori concepts
-Whakapapa- genealogical links
-Whanaungatanga - relationships
-Tapu-sacred , Noa - normal/common, Mana - prestige, Utu
-Manaakitanga - hospitality
*Tikanga - Maori customs and protocols
*oral traditions - Purakau-historical stories, narratives - Whakatauki - proverbs - Karakia - prayer
This module also has a very good resource book which includes  
Pronunciation, alphabet, common maori words, tinana, nga tae - colours, Kakahu- clothing, Kupu Tuingoa- nouns, Kararehe - animals, Nga kupu - words, Nga Wahanga o te wharenui - parts of the wharenui, Nga Ingoa Wahi - place names

Module 2 due Monday 29 October 3.30-5pm
Te Ao Marama - the World of Understanding
Learning outcomes - Demonstrate an understanding of Whakaaro Maori - Achievement - I will demonstrate an increased understanding of WHakaaro maori as expressed in Nga korero o nehera (historical accounts stories) and whakatauki (proverbs), and analysed how these are applied within a contemporary context
-Demonstrate an understanding of how Whakaaro Maori is practised in Aotearoa/NZ Achievement - I will demonstrate an understanding of symbolism within Te Ao Maori by explaining the significance of symbolic structures and the philosophical approaches of symbolism.

Whakaaro Maori - is a beautiful and metaphoric language that uses word pictures, symbolism and imagery to give it rich meaning. Whakaaro means the thinking and use of ones mind - from the word 'aro' is the act of focusing your attention on a particular matter, ie: the act of interpreting and understanding - comprehending the information you receive. So Whakaaro can be understood as the process of thinking, ones thoughts, ideas, understanding, or a persons intention. Therefore you might interpret whakaaro maori as the maori way of thinking..
Whakaaro maori is the appreciation and use of ideas, principles, and concepts of Te Ao Maori which are preserved in nga korero o nehera - historical accounts. 
Different expressions of whakaaro maori are preserved in bodies of knowledge such as:
*Purakau - narratives
*whakatauki - proverbs
*Waiata - songs
*Whakairo - carvings
*Whaikorero - oratory
The course also looked at -
Maori concepts 
Humarie - to be humble
Mauri - life force
Ahi Ka -a groups right to use and occupy land

Nga Korero o Nehera - Historical accounts
Taharakau and Tapuwai - Manaakitanga, whakawhanaungatanga, Mana Tangat, Whakaritenga

Whare tupuna / wharenui: the ancestral house
Harakeke - flax
Whariki - woven mat

Symbolism in our world today
The Three health models
Te Whare Tapa Wha - individual well-being
Te Wheke - family well being
Te Pae Mahutonga - Healthy living
-Waiora, environmental protection
-Toiora - healthy lifestyle
-Te Oranga - participation in society
-Nga Manukura , community leadership
-Te Mana Whakahaere - autonomy
Tino Rangatiratanga - The right to self determination

Whakatauki and whakatauaki
King Tawhiao - inspiration
Te Puea Herangi - unity
Apirana Ngata - wisdom

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