Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Learning architects ROB Wednesday 26th September 18

Document labelled: 
PLD - Leadership, Digital Fluency & Writing - St Mary's Rotorua 2018/20

Just to remind you that these are the goals for the project.

1 - Leadership CapabilityBuild the capability of senior and middle leaders to identify and cater for staff needs, and provide relevant and specific feedback and support to develop effective practice.
2 - Use of digital toolsBuild the capability of teachers and leaders to effectively select and utilise a wide range of digital technologies to enhance and transform current practice. To encourage and support innovative practice that will lead to differentiated learning and better learner outcomes, particularly in writing.
3 - Inquiry into practiceStrengthen ‘inquiry into practice’ for leaders and teachers so that they are more discerning, reflective, evaluative and responsive to learners needs. Staff will become better at interpreting, analysing and responding to a wider range of data in order to better respond to learner needs.
4 - Learner AgencySupport teachers and leaders capability to understand and develop student agency.
Rob coming in to work with us:
Tuesday 19th 9-10:30am during CRT 
Wednesday 20th March 2019 9-10am in classroom during writing session 

2 x PD goals 
Using Book creator and EDUCA to make learning visible (inquiry focus) and to enhance writing purpose and audience.
*use of digital tools
*learner agency

Today we looked at using what was around the classroom to create a new book.

30 Jan 2019
Our PLD  day
Under My Drive - St Mary's Rotorua - Staff Only days 2018/19

Doc labelled - PLD-Leadership, Digital Fluency & writing - St Marys Rotorua 2018/19
Skill I want to develop - Using Hapara and chrome books in the classroom - My ideas for transferring them into the classroom .

20 December 2018

TOD link

Started with
G -grateful
L -leaned
P-promise myself for today

Spreadsheets hover over the colums double click to adjust the

Laura - Screen capture  

Our teams screen castify + stop motion

26 September 2018

ROB  Learning
PLD project – 2 years
Strength coaching – supporting us with digital tools to enhance our learning.
Project – e learning and digital tools to improve student incomes – helping us use digital tools
Review process – identifying big issues we want to get better at.

Wonderings - Robs
Student Agency
Staff Agency
School systems

Dreaming for teachers-learning with and through other teachers

Hopes and Dreams for elearning at school 

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