Tuesday, July 23, 2019

RE Father John Gospel talk

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Tuesday 23 July - Luke’s Gospel with Fr John

First gospel to be written was by Mark between 65 and 70 AD
Luke and Matthew used Mark’s gospel and added some of their own sources

John’s gospel written much later

If you want to know purpose of gospel look at first line eg Matthew writing for the Jews.
Starts with the geneology. 

Luke was writing for gentiles ( the people who were pagans/not Jewish).
Luke was a Dr and good at verifying sources. Write his story to totally capture attention
of reader and be open to change. Luke’s stories touch the heart and we discover the
message for ourselves. Luke was a Greek pagan who became a Christian and was a convert of Paul. 

Mark wrote his gospel talking about Jesus as God and Man. In Ch 8 - who do people say I am?
Who do you say I am?

Matthew wants to reaffirm for the Jews showing fulfillment of promise from Old Testament -
Jesus is the Messiah.

Problem for Luke’s audience is that it looks like the covenant that God made with the chosen
people has been dumped. Luke says God always faithful to the covenant but we are part of
the covenant - but some people weren’t listening to what was said. The chosen people is for
everyone. Luke trying to deepen the reader’s faith and hope - God hasn’t dumped the people
from the Old Testament. The first five stories are related to the rosary and is only in Luke. Paul
explained to Luke all the Old Testament but in his new converted way. Luke is an amazing storyteller
who brings in the Old Testament. The word of God is actually Jesus. When we listen to word of
God only part is written down as scripture. We need to listen to Jesus who is both God and Man,
outside the limits of time and space. The word is eternal and we are asked to live it.

Hint for teachers: Let the students become the participants in the story
    Important to listen and listen with the heart
    Get children to reflect/feedback re what is important

Handout - includes details of techniques that Luke uses eg repetition

Qu: Good stories to use to link Luke’s gospel to our values
Prodigal Son
Good Samaritan
Mary and Martha
Why were fish dumped on the beach

Service in love is important and important to pray. Luke changes your world.

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