Monday, May 14, 2018

Yolanda Soryl Phonics training Monday 14 May 2018

Professional Learning
Engage in professional learning and adaptively apply this learning in practice.
Use an increasing repertoire of teaching strategies, approaches, learning
activities, technologies and assessment for learning strategies and modify

these in response to the needs of individuals and groups of learners

Monday 14 May 2018  9am-3.30pm
Yolanda Soryl Literacy
Phonics Training

Great day today reinforcing everything we currently do with our phonics programme in the classroom. Have previous been on this course, it was very beneficial to go again as it reminded me of certain things I have omitted and she also had a couple of new ideas. 
Points from course
*remember graphic knowledge is knowing the shape of the word, work knowledge - just knowing it
*Yolanda reiterated the utmost importance of making sure children reread continuously - something I do focus on when I teach writing - yay doing something right!!
* reread to make sure it looks right, sounds right and makes sense.
*important to sing - aids phonological awareness
*sound breaks - syllables
*important children hear a syllable break - practice on their names
*nursery rhymes - do every day
* can they supply a missing word in a rhyme eg: little bo peep has lost her ........   
need this by 1 year at school*call out any word in rhyming strings
*P18/19 are we doing this every day. 
* use the Phonological awareness book - Yolanda's other book.
* Priority kids eg: Zack - flash a letter card throughout the day - hour by hour - what's the sound ...
*during guided writing - clap your sentence - Me -write their idea quickly on piece of paper so we don't forget.
*when checking with kids what sound it is on their word card - tell them to start with then ask them -- is it this one or that one!! give a choice of only two - they need to start doing the work.
*vowel drilling - use 5 big cards   aaa oooo 
then vowel strip
then vowel strip - black and white card - leave on teaching station
*STAGE 4 - freeze the pointer so kids actually have to stop at each sound rather than race through.
*page 15 - change my phonics - add a word - take it to fluency
*POEMS - print out poems
Kill the robot 3 months later

* How fast can my children read
*Early words   25 words
5 x 5    2 errors - stop the test
60 seconds - count up how many words he read
is  my  Zack  is  Zack

my   my   is  Zack  is
Zack  is  Zack  my  my
Zack  is  Zack  is  my
my  Zack  Zack  my  is

*STAGE 5- at this stage at the end give them a 'hat ' test
hat  hut  hot  
** always make it to transfer level  - transfer what they know into writing and reading

This is me volunteering to do the robot!!

The St Mary's gang

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