Sunday, March 17, 2019

Understanding Behaviour Responding Safely UBRS Amiria

Date:                     12 & 19 Feb (2 x sessions)
Time:                     3.15-5.15/30 (approx.)
Where:                 St Marys School
Presenters:        Amiria & Jaco (MoE), Sharron Piatek (RTLB)
Outline:                Day 1 – Education Act, Brain, Module 1 – Function of Behaviour, Module 2 – Ready to Learn behaviours
                                Day 2 – Module 3 – Responding Safely (behaviour/safety plan), Module 4 Embedding and Implementing

All about de-escalating behaviour. 
He Moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka
A choppy sea can be navigated

Overview of the first workshop:
*Theory and concepts about learning and behaviours
*Why behaviour that challenges you occurs and how to prevent it
*The HOW - techniques to de-escalate a situation
*reflection and embedding techniques

Looked at what happens to the brain when its under stress.
When under stress it shuts down areas, thoughts, and services the body doesn't need to protect itself and sustain life.
The more stress we feel, the more areas it shuts down. 
Calm down to think better - relax, mindfulness, etc

*catch them being good
*watch for early trigger signs
*thanks for complying
*positive attitude - ignore as much as you can
*Why behaviour that challenges you occurs and how to prevent it
Understand yourself - what pushes my buttons
What can I influence - only thing we can control is what we do, think and believe...
and what we do, think and believe can influence the outcome to increase the likelihood of de-escalation

Be responsive 
model from me
learn from me
maintain emotional regulation
Demonstrate support with posture
demonstrate support with your manner

Second workshop
Me he whakawhiti o te ra
Personify that of the sun.
That which removes adversity, brings calm, and provides light. 
Responding safely to different situations
Think about:
check the level of behaviour
what am I seeing
how to respond if I need to 
When a childs behaviour is escalating there will be no learning
They will only be ready for learning when we see a ready to learn state
Calming box

Reflecting and embedding
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
What is the most important thing of this world?
It is people, it is people , it is people

in this course we looked at
*consolidating understanding - brain
*brain under stress
*understanding behavior
*importance of 'ready to learn' behaviours
*think about our lens and the views of others
*embed learning into your context
*develop an action plan
*navy seals action grid
*respond safely

Amiria gave us a safety plan if needed